Norsk filminstitutt

Norwegian Film Institute, Talent Norge og Norsk Tipping present UP 2.0, a development program for filmmakers who aspire to make feature films and series.

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Behind the scenes What will people say. Photo: Marek Septimus Wieser/MerFilm


UP 2.0 is a development program for underrepresented filmmakers in Norwegian film industry. 

Application deadline is 5th of June, the program starts in September.

UP 2.0 is a strategic measure for increased diversity, broader recruitment, and inclusion of talent inside Norwegian film industry. UP 2.0 is a cooperation between NFI, Talent Norge and Norsk Tipping.

The program is for 12 selected filmmakers (fiction and documentaries) and stretches over a period of 18 months. It is for directors, writers, and producers and is designed to focus on the creative process and the filmmaker's individual development.

Who can apply

  • Immigrants (and adoptees) and Norwegian-born with one or two immigrant parents from countries outside EU/EEA, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Indigenous people of the North and national minorities
  • Disabled people

Goals for participants

  • You will get access to relevant professional and personal development through workshops, training, process-meetings, and coaching.
  • After finished participation in the program you will work more strategically with your projects and your career. 
  • You will have an awareness for which decisionmakers and possible partners for co-operation are important for you and your career.
  • You will get a sense of union with the other participants and you will profit from each others perspectives and experiences.
  • You will be better equipped to get funding for your projects.

Longterm target

  • 80 % of the participants will produce a feature film or series within the three years after the end of participation in the program

Application criteria

Applicants must be directors, writers or producers who aspire to make feature film or series (fiction or documentary), and who meet one of the two following criteria:

  • have achieved good results in other formats before (short film etc.)
  • have made max. one feature film or series, and wish to advance further in their career

You have to have a film education and/or experience from film production.

We are looking for participants who are eager to contribute and are interested in networking and building new partnerships, and cooperation-constellations. You should be open and willing to contribute with constructive feedback to the other participants, and you should be able to express your own needs, thoughts, and ideas. You are also committing to set aside time for professional training workshops and seminars, and project and self-development.

The program is designed for 12 participants.

Program is composed of:

  • Professional training; 5 gatherings, consisting of  2-3 days workshops, seminars, masterclasses, etc.
  • Process-meetings; monthly meetings led by a process coach, in smaller groups, where the participants discuss (the challenges within) their projects and get feedback from other participants
  • Individual coaching: up to 10 meetings with a coach, who helps the participants structure a plan and a strategy for their respective goals and careers, and their personal and professional development
  • Funds for individual professional development: 30 000 NOK - which can be used for financing consultants, mentors and other professional, development and/or career guidance. 
  • Work stipend: 50 000 NOK stipend is provided for the participants to be able, financially, to participate in the program. 

The working language will be Norwegian (some of the workshops will be in English) 

Admission committee:

  • Anne Lajla Utsi - Director, Internatonal Sami Film Institute
  • Eirin Gjørv - Commissioning editor, documentary film, NFI
  • Hanne Myren - Talent adviser, NFI
  • Sveinung Golimo - board member Talent Norge/CEO and producer, Nordisk Film Production AS
  • Nedin Mutic - Adviser Inclusion and communication, NFI

 The application must include:

  • CV
  • Motivational letter - outline of yourself and your motives, why you? why right now? Max1 A4 page
  • Project description for max one project you are currently working on. Max 1 A4 page.
  • Appllications should be labeled "UP 2.0" and your name. 

Email the applications to Deadline 5th of June

  • Nedin Mutic
    • Nedin Mutic

    • Inclution and communication adviser
    • Telefon: +47 995 38 485
    • E-post: nedin.mutic[@]