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Berlin Film Festival 2024

An overview of Norwegian Film Institute’s lineup for Berlin Film Festival 2024, contact details, screen times and news

Foto. Bilde tatt gjennom fasadevinduer ut mot en plass ikledd rød løper med masse mennesker og sorte biler.

Where to find us

  • Date:

    15. feb – 25. feb. 2024

  • Meet us: Gropius Bau

    Stand: Savndianvian Films
    Adress: Niederkirchnerstraße 7


Ansatte i NFI Stine Oppegaard foto david malmbekk NFI 2

Stine Oppegaard

Manager International Relations, Feature Films

Ansatte i NFI Knut Tofastrud Skinnarmo foto david malmbekk NFI 2

Knut Tofastrud Skinnarmo

International Festival Adviser

Ansatte i NFI Elisabeth Aalmo foto david malmbekk NFI 2

Elisabeth Aalmo

Manager International Relations, Documentaries

Line up

foto. to menn sitter på et hustak med oslo i bakgrunnen. de har på seg feierutstyr.


  • Director Dag Johan Haugerud
  • Genre Drama
  • Company Motlys AS
  • Premiere 1. March, 2024
  • Producer Hege Hauff Hvattum, Yngve Sæther
  • Screenwriter Yngve Sæther
  • Main viewing platform Kino

SEX follows two men in heterosexual marriages whose unexpected experiences challenge their perceptions of sexuality, gender and identity. One has a sexual encounter with another man, without experiencing it either as an expression of homosexuality or infidelity. The other finds himself in nocturnal dreams where David Bowie sees him as a woman, stirring confusion and leading him to question how much his personality is shaped by the gaze of others.

Foto. Tre sjømenn står inne i et rom og ser på et kart.

The Arctic Convoy

  • Director John Andreas Andersen
  • Genre Action, Drama
  • Company Fantefilm fiksjon as
  • Premiere 25. December, 2023
  • Producer Martin Sundland, Catrin Gundersen, Therese Bøhn
  • Screenwriter Harald Rosenløw Eeg, Lars Gudmestad
  • Main viewing platform Kino

Summer 1941: Hitler invades the Soviet Union. Convoys of cargo ships with war materials began the perilous journey to Murmansk, and ordinary sailors faced the German superiority in the icy Arctic sea, putting their lives at stake.

Foto. En med blå skjorte, mørk vest og skinnforkle står foran et grønt trehus og smiler mot kamera.

Christmas on Cobbler Street

  • Director Mikal Hovland
  • Genre Comedy, Children's film
  • Company Nordisk Film Production as
  • Premiere 10. November, 2023
  • Producer Sigurd Mikal Karoliussen, Andrea Backstrøm
  • Screenwriter Maren Skolem
  • Main viewing platform Kino

A few days before Christmas, 10-year-old Stine finds herself in a small town after stowing away on a train. Seeking shelter from the cold winter night, she sneaks into a house in Cobbler Street – the shop of Shoemaker Andersen...

foto. kvinne i singlet står i døråpning og holder seg for munnen med en hånd.

Handling the Undead

  • Director Thea Hvistendahl
  • Genre Drama
  • Company Drama Einar AS
  • Premiere 9. February, 2024
  • Producer Guri Neby, Kristin Emblem
  • Screenwriter John Ajvide Lindqvist
  • Main viewing platform Kino

Handling the Undead is set in Oslo, Norway, and explores what happens when a set of people suddenly awakens from death - three stories intervowen, exploring loss, grief and mortality – but also love and hope. The film is a drama with a horror premiss that deals with fundamental human emotions and the pursuit of understanding and accepting what we cannot control. Handling the Undead is written by award-winning author John Ajvide Lindqvist (Border – Cannes winner 2018, Let the Right One In) and directed by Thea Hvistendahl who has directed several award winning shorts and the hybrid music film featuring Karpe, Goodbye Montebello in 2018.

Foto. En ung gutt ser inn i kamera og holder opp tre fingre, i bakrunnen er det en boligblokk.

Listen Up!

  • Director Kaveh Tehrani
  • Genre Drama, Comedy
  • Company Motlys AS
  • Premiere 15. September, 2023
  • Producer Yngve Sæther, Ingvil Sæther Berger
  • Screenwriter Erlend Loe
  • Main viewing platform Kino

Finally, summer holiday! The only thing teen- ager Mahmoud wants is to chill with his friend, one-eyed Arif. But then Uncle Ji comes visiting from Pakistan. And little brother Ali has a secret that turns everything upside down.
