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Illustrasjon. En kvinne med mørkt hår iført en rød kjole står bland snødektefjell med nordlys på himmelen.

The Polar Bear Prince

  • Director Mikkel B. Sandemose
  • Genre Drama, Children's film
  • Company Maipo Film AS
  • Premiere 25. December, 2024
  • Producer Cornelia Boysen
  • Screenwriter Maja Lunde
  • Main viewing platform Kino
  • Length 90
  • Language Norsk
  • Distributor Nordisk Film Distribusjon

A modern 2D-animated family feature about an adventurous girl who embarks on a quest to rescue her newfound friend, a polar bear who turns out to be a prince. The Polar Bear Prince is a spec­tac­u­lar and mod­ern ani­mat­ed film based on one of Scan­di­navi­a’s most beloved folk tales. It is a sto­ry of love, greed, courage, and nature’s won­ders, packed with sus­pense, humor, music, and breath­tak­ing scenery.