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foto. to menn sitter på et hustak med oslo i bakgrunnen. de har på seg feierutstyr.


  • Director Dag Johan Haugerud
  • Genre Drama
  • Company Motlys AS
  • Premiere 1. March, 2024
  • Producer Hege Hauff Hvattum, Yngve Sæther
  • Screenwriter Yngve Sæther
  • Main viewing platform Kino
  • Length 90
  • Language Norwegian
  • Distributor Arthaus

SEX follows two men in heterosexual marriages whose unexpected experiences challenge their perceptions of sexuality, gender and identity. One has a sexual encounter with another man, without experiencing it either as an expression of homosexuality or infidelity. The other finds himself in nocturnal dreams where David Bowie sees him as a woman, stirring confusion and leading him to question how much his personality is shaped by the gaze of others.