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A Call from the Wild

  • Director Asgeir Helgestad
  • Genre Documentary
  • Company Artic Light as
  • Premiere 11. October, 2024
  • Producer Ageliki Lefkaditou, Asgeir Helgestad
  • Screenwriter Anne Elvedal, Asgeir Helgestad
  • Main viewing platform Kino, TV
  • Length Filmen har tre versjoner: 80 min, 52 min og 43:30 min (tysk versjon)
  • Language Norsk

Filmmaker Asgeir Helgestad documents the state of nature in his home country, Norway, which he has photographed all his life. From the lives of bees at his farm to wild reindeer on the high mountains and puffins at the ocean's edge, he shows the beauty of threatened nature and tracks down human actions responsible for its decline. This is a personal story about our connection with the non-human world, the relations between the small and the big, and a reminder of nature's strength and vulnerability.