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The Norwegian Film Production Incentive

The film production incentive grants return on costs spent in Norway to international films and series produced entirely or partly in Norway. The incentive is aimed at Norwegian and foreign productions.

Who may apply

  • The main production company, or any person authorised by the company, may apply for the incentive.

What you may apply for

  • You may apply for a refund of up to 25 % of approved production costs related to the production in Norway. The incentive applies to the production of fiction film, documentary films and series and drama series, produced entirely or partly in Norway. You may apply with more than one season of a series provided that you apply for each season in separate applications. The incentive also covers animated films, studio productions and post-production.
  • Approved costs are costs which arise in Norway and are paid to taxpayers in Norway. Svalbard and Jan Mayen are not considered Norway in this context. Costs which arise before the Norwegian Film Institute confirms receipt of the application will not qualify as approved costs. You may read more about approved costs here.
  • Grant decisions are valid for 12 months, with the possibility of a one-year extension. The production in Norway must have started during this time period. 


Terms and conditions

  • The application must be submitted before the work for which the grant is applied for has started.
  • The production must be produced in whole or in part in Norway.
  • The main producer must have produced at least one film, drama series or documentary series in the previous five years. This production must have been screened publicly through at least one of the following channels: cinema distribution, wide television broadcast or correspondingly wide distribution via other platforms.
  • The production must have a total production budget of at least:
    • NOK 25 million for feature films
    • NOK 10 million for documentary films
    • NOK 10 million per episode for drama series
    • NOK 5 million per episode for documentary series


  • The production must have a budget showing a minimum consumption of approved costs in Norway of NOK 4 million.
  • The production must have a financing plan that includes at least 30 % international financing at the time of the submission of the application.
  • The production must be able to verify that it has concluded an international distribution agreement. A letter of intent for international distribution may be accepted following individual consideration. 
  • An audio-visual production company must be established and registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises as a limited liability company. The company must be established specifically for the production to which the application relates. The company will bear financial responsibility for the production in Norway. The costs on the basis of which a grant is sought must be recorded in the accounts of this company, and the reimbursement can only be paid to this company.
  • The production must achieve the minimum required score in the qualification test, cf. appendix 1 of the Regulation.

Assessment of the applications

The production must achieve the minimum required score in the qualification test. The applications are thereafter ranked according to an evaluation model. When NFI prioritizes and ranks the applications, particular emphasis is placed on:

  • The purpose of the film incentive as set out in the Regulation paragraph 1.
  • How far the production has come in its financing and planning, and whether the production can be implemented quickly.
  • Total production budget
  • Budget for the production in Norway
  • International distribution of the production
  • Share of private funding
  • Share of international funding
  • To what extent the Norwegian budget will strengthen the Norwegian film industry
  • Added value outside the specific production


The reimbursement frame is allocated to the projects in line with the ranking made by NFI and according to the budget for the application round.

More information about the incentive



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Tina Beate Goa Fagerheim

Production Adviser