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Privacy policy

The Norwegian Film Institute's privacy policy explains how we process personal data when you use our services at nfi.no, cinemateket.no, mediadesk.no, receive newsletters, invitations and press releases, or contact us by e-mail.

Personal data and sensitive personal data

The Personal Data Act (Norwegian Data Protection Authority) distinguishes between personal data and sensitive personal data. 

The Norwegian Film Institute processes both personal data and sensitive personal data. The data will not be shared with others unless the data subject has consented to this, but they can be disclosed for statistical purposes. In such case, they will be processed in a way that does not make it possible to link them to you as a person.

The Norwegian Film Institute is the data controller for personal data

The Norwegian Film Institute is the controller of personal data we receive or collect ourselves. This means that we are responsible for how personal data are used and that this use is in accordance with the Personal Data Act.

We have joint processing responsibility with the Norwegian National Collection Agency and Lindorff in cases concerning the collection of claims and repayment of grants.

For what purposes does the Norwegian Film Institute process personal data?

We process personal data in order to administer grant schemes in accordance with the Regulations relating to grants for audiovisual productions and the Regulations relating to grants for film productions. This includes:

  • processing applications
  • claiming repayment of grants
  • processing personal data in connection with statutory duties such as budgeting, accounting, statistics and reporting to other legal bodies
  • disclosing personal data to other public bodies that have the legal authority to collect information, e.g. the Norwegian Tax Administration
  • to offer correct and relevant information about our grant schemes
  • to analyse data about the use of nfi.no, mediadesk.no and cinemateket.no and Min side (my page) in the application portal, to allow us to provide user friendly, fast and correct services

The processing of personal data includes collection, registration and organisation relating to the specific purpose.

We also process personal data when we distribute newsletters, invitations, press releases and in connection with membership of Cinemateket.

On what grounds does the Norwegian Film Institute process personal data?

The Norwegian Film Institute needs to process personal data in order to consider grant applications and to follow up any repayment of grants. Without the personal data we request, we cannot link the application to the person in question. The processing of personal data is therefore necessary to enable the Norwegian Film Institute to administer the duties we are obliged to carry out.

What personal data is processed?

The Norwegian Film Institute only uses the personal data we need in order to exercise our administrative responsibilities. At times, we also process sensitive data or confidential data, but only when necessary to correctly process a case.

Where is personal data collected from?

The Norwegian Film Institute collects personal data from other public bodies. This includes the Norwegian Population Register, the Brønnøysund Register Centre and the Norwegian Tax Administration.

When you send an application, phone, or send an email to the Norwegian Film Institute, or contact us in other ways, you share personal data with us. This is voluntary and concerns information we need to process your enquiry.


You can send us emails but note that the content of emails can be read by data thieves. We therefore suggest that you do not use email for matters that contain sensitive data. Emails received by the Norwegian Film Institute are processed in the same way as other cases and are registered if they constitute an enquiry intended for us. The Norwegian Film Institute’s journal is public and available online, but searches in the search engine will not produce hits for names in the journal.

Note that your name will be visible in the public journal when you send us an email or letter containing your full name in connection with requesting access to documents.

Can the Norwegian Film Institute disclose personal data to others?

Your personal data can be disclosed to other public bodies that have legal grounds to use the data in their case processing. This includes the National Collection Agency and the Norwegian Tax Authority.

We do not disclose personal data to parties that do not have legal grounds unless you have authorised or consented to this.

Public disclosure and right of access?

The Norwegian Film Institute is obliged to comply with the Freedom of Information Act. Everyone has a right to access the documents produced as a result of contact between us, the applicants and the general public. However, this does not mean that all documents are available without reservations. Documents that are subject to a statutory duty of secrecy will only be available to those processing the case.

How long will the personal data be stored?

The Norwegian Film Institute complies with the Archives Act and must therefore store documents that are used in case processing. Personal data used to process your case will therefore not be erased. This is because we need access to the data to ensure correct case processing.

The personal data may be used for historical, scientific and statistical purposes. The Norwegian Film Institute is entitled to do this as long as society’s interest in storing the data is clearly greater than the disadvantages this poses for you.

No personal data is stored from the use of Filmbib’s services. 

The ticket system that administers tickets for Cinemateket’s films stores the information you provide when you pay for tickets. This can be retrieved and erased if desired.

Membership of Cinemateket can be changed or erased if desired.

If you have asked to receive our newsletter, press releases or invitations, we will only store the personal data we need and for as long as you wish.

What rights do you have as a user?

Your rights are in accordance with the Personal Data Act.

You have

  • the right to information about how the Norwegian Film Institute processes your personal data
  • the right to demand that the Norwegian Film Institute erase data about you that are no longer necessary for the purpose. In most cases, however, it is necessary to store the data after the completion of application processing. This is pursuant to legislation such as the Archives Act and the Bookkeeping Act.
  • the right to correct your personal data that are incomplete or incorrect
  • the right to file a complaint against the Norwegian Film Institute’s processing of your personal data
  • the right to withdraw consent at any time
  • the right to file a complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority
  • the right to access data the Norwegian Film Institute has about you
  • the right to receive a copy of the personal data being processed
  • the right to restrict processing of your personal data
  • the right to be obtain your personal data (data portability)


The Norwegian Film Institute can make exceptions from the rights listed above if we are exercising a public duty, or if processing is necessary to exercise a duty in the public interest, cf. the General Data Protection Regulation Article 18 No 2.

You can contact us and request to see the personal data we have registered about you. Enquiries can be addressed to post[@]nfi.no, with the reference ‘personal data’.

If you wish to erase personal data stored on a recipient list or a membership, please contact post[@]nfi.no from the same email address as your account is registered to, and stating the username you wish to erase. Your personal data will then be erased from our membership register.

If you request access or other rights relating to the processing of personal data from the Norwegian Film Institute, you have a right to receive an answer within one month of receipt of your enquiry. If we are unable to answer you within one month, you will receive a preliminary answer within the original time limit stating the reason for the delay. In such cases, the time limit can be extended by two months.

Are personal data stored by the Norwegian Film Institute secure?

To protect your personal data, we employ a comprehensive approach to data security.

The Norwegian Film Institute therefore works in several ways to protect your rights and your personal data:

  • Employees – we make targeted efforts to ensure our employees have the requisite knowledge, attitudes and awareness, thereby reducing the risk of human errors.
  • Technology – we work to ensure that our systems are robust against external cyber threats and to reduce risk factors that arise through working with third parties and through employees’ use of the systems.
  • Organisational – we work to ensure that responsibility is assigned, that risk management becomes part of the Norwegian Film Institute’s operations, and that procedures and guidelines for secure data management are developed.


The Film Institute uses the analysis tool Matomo to analyze the general user pattern on the websites nfi.no, cinemateket.no and mediadesk.no. Information about users is obtained through the use of cookies on nfi.no, cinemateket.no and mediadesk.no. 

Cookies are small text files that the website stores on the user's computer. The files can only be read by nfi.no, cinemateket.no and mediadesk.no in addition to the user himself. The information is anonymised and used to find out whether the user has visited the website before, the time of the visit and which website the user came from. The Film Institute uses the information to improve the services we offer on our websites.  

We do not use cookies to store personal data. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer by changing the settings in your browser.

IP address registered by the website nfi.no, cinemateket.no and mediadesk.no is anonymised. The analysis tool can estimate the user's geographic location, but the IP address cannot be used to identify individuals.

The Norwegian Film Institute’s contact details

To contact us, please use our usual channels.

  • The Norwegian Film Institute’s phone number is (+47) 22 47 45 00
  • You can send an email to: post[@]nfi.no
  • You can send a letter to: Norsk filminstitutt, P.O. Box 482, Sentrum, NO-0105 OSLO

To protect your privacy, we recommend that you do not send sensitive personal data by email; see above.

Contact details of the Norwegian Film Institute’s data protection

The Norwegian Film Institute has a data protection officer who attends to the personal data interests of employees, applicants, the general public and others who contact us. The scheme is facilitated and administered by the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. The data protection officer can provide advice and guidance relating to any general questions about the Norwegian Film Institute’s processing of personal data, or about protecting the data we have registered about our customers.

email: eg[@]governance.no

Address: Advokatfirmaet Erling Grimstad ASatt. Erling GrimstadGaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 OsloTel.: (+47) 997 97 542

MEDIA Desk Norway