Norsk filminstitutt

SEX follows two men in heterosexual marriages whose unexpected experiences challenge their perceptions of sexuality, gender and identity. One has a sexual encounter with another man, without experiencing it either as an expression of homosexuality or infidelity. The other finds himself in nocturnal dreams where David Bowie sees him as a woman, stirring confusion and leading him to question how much his personality is shaped by the gaze of others.  

A film trilogy that consists of three loosely connected stories that in different ways speak about the way we behave to achieve our inner longings. Moral fables and existential comedies about sexuality and queer sensibility set in Oslo today.

SEX: A story of two chimney sweepers. One, a happily married heterosexual man, has sex with a male customer out of the blue, but at the same time insists that it is not infidelity. His boss confides his feminine dreams, and how they affect his tone of voice, yes, his entire gender identity.

DREAMS: A 16-year-old girl describes her all-consuming infatuation with her female teacher in a way that makes both her mother and grandmother want to publish her diary because it is so well written. At the same time, they are reminded of their own longings, while the daughter loses ownership of the love.

LOVE: A single woman in her prime is looking for sex and intimacy but doesn’t want to establish a new relationship – to the despair and envy of her surroundings. She meets two men who represent two different forms of love, and who in their own way challenge her desire to be true to herself and explore her own feelings. 

Production and distribution

Production Year:
Production country:
Release date (national):
Release date (international):
Production company:
Motlys A/S
Yngve Sæther
Hege Hauff Hvattum
Line producer:
Henrik Borge
Film consultant:
Cecilie Aspenes
Sales agent:


  • Dag Johan Haugerud

    Dag Johan Haugerud (born 1964). He is educated as a librarian with additional courses to the equivalent of a Bachelors Degree in Film Sciences from Stockholm University as well as studies in dramaturgy from the University of Oslo and creative writing studies from Telemark University College.

    He has worked as a journalist and as dramatist for various dance- and theatre- companies. He has also published four novels Noe med natur - Something about nature (1999) Den som er veldig sterk må også være veldig snill - The one who is very strong must also be very kind (2002) Hva jeg betyr - What I means (2011) and Enkle atonale stykker for barn - Simple atonal pieces for children (2016) for which he won the NRK P2-listeners Novel Prize.

    He made his debut as a film director with the short 16 Living Clichés in 1998 and has since directed numerous short films many of which award-winners - as for example Lust (2000) which won the Grand Prix at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad. I Belong (2012) Haugerud’s feature film debut was awarded the Norwegian Critics’ Prize and four Norwegian Amanda awards. His next film I’m the One You Want (2014) a 53 minute film consisting of a single monologue also received a theatrical release. With the film Beware of Children (2019), he competed in the prestigious Venice Film Festival sidebar Giornate degli Autori in 2019. The film won the Dragon Award / Best Nordic Film - Gotebörg Festival 2020.

    Dag Johan Haugerud


Jan Gunnar Røise
Thorbjørn Harr
Siri Forberg
Ella Øverbye
Ane Dahl Torp
Anne Marit Jacobsen
Selome Emnetu
Andrine Sæther
Andrea Bræin Hovig
Thomas Gullestad


Berlin International Film Festival


Dag Johan Haugerud
Dag Johan Haugerud
Jens Christian Fodstad
Peder Capjon Kjellsby
Sound Design:
Gisle Tveito
Cecilie Semec
Kjetil Fodnes
Tuva Hølmebakk
Prop Master:
Silje Wiedswang Larsson
Costume Designer:
Ida Toft
Makeup artist:
Maren Anna Olstad
Sound Recording:
Helge Bodøgaard
Hanne Myren
Celine Engebrigtsen

Technical information

DCP 2k
Length in min's:
