Norsk filminstitutt

The civil war rages in the Central African Republic. Linn (35) leads a team of aid workers who are working tirelessly to save lives in a makeshift field hospital outside the massive refugee camp. Suddenly, a desperate man runs into the clinic. He is Muslim, and he is persecuted and in mortal danger. Everyone holds their breath.

Outside, the mob and the Christian militia that want the Muslim man handed over and killed are growing. Linn is responsible for security. Now she must act quickly. Despite the risk she poses to herself and the rest of the team, Linn decides to follow her own conscience. While fighting the battle of her life, she must also consider the value of a single human life.

SAFE HOUSE is based on the true story of the drama that unfolded during 15 intense hours at Doctors Without Borders' field hospital in Bangui on Christmas Eve, 2013.

Production and distribution

Production Year:
Production country:
Co production country:
Release date (national):
Production company:
Fantefilm Fiksjon AS
Co production company:
Film i Väst
Cinenic Film ab
Nordisk Film Production AS
Executive producer:
Martin Sundland
Catrin Gundersen
Hugo Hagemann Føsker
Sales agent:
TrustNordisk ApS


  • Eirik Svensson

    After initial studies at Lillehammer University College (LUC), Erik Svensson graduated as a director at the Norwegian Film School in 2010. During his years at LUC he participated in an exchange program to STADIA Polytechnic in Finland, where he met Jyrki Väisänen, with whom he co-wrote and directed the short Life Worth Living. They wrote the script and produced the film together with Joona Kivirinta from Finland, who is also the film's photographer.

    Eirik Svensson


Kristine Kujath Thorp
Mattis Hermann Nyquist
Bibi Tanga
Alexander Karim
Alma Pöysti
Martial Batchamen Tchana
Nixon Singa,
Chris Djuma
Asandra Rilityana


Eirik Svensson
Harald Rosenløw Eeg
Lars Gudmestad
Karl Erik Brøndbo
Elise Solberg

Technical information

